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Bloomington User Number の申し込み方と料金
Date: Thu, 2 May 1996 14:36:42 +0900
From: ryuアットマークpo.cc.yamaguchi-u.ac.jp (Ryutaro Murakami)
Subject: [Jfly] BUN
BUN の申し込み方と料金についての情報を知りたいのですが、どなたかご存じでした
Ryutaro Murakami
Biol Inst, Fac Sci, Yamaguchi Univ,
Date: Thu, 2 May 1996 15:09:09 +0900
From: tanimuraアットマークrc.kyushu-u.ac.jp (Teiichi Tanimura)
Subject: [Jfly] BUN
Indiana Stock Centerの利用について
>From flybase/stocks/stock-centers/bloomington/bloomington.doc:
At the request of our funding agencies, the center now has a
cost-recovery program. Under this program, all users of the center
must be registered with us based on their laboratory affiliation.
Each user group is assigned upon request a Bloomington User Number
(BUN), and all stock requests must be accompanied by a valid BUN.
Each registered user group will be requested to pay an annual fee
partially based on use category - $200 per year for minimal (up to
20 stocks and/or 4 shipments per year) or average (up to 100 stocks
and/or 12 shipments per year) use of the center, and $400 for heavy
use (over 12 shipments or more than 100 stocks per year). Users
unable to contribute to the center may continue to receive stocks,
but their use of the center will be limited to 20 stocks and 4
shipments per year. Exceptions will be made on a case-by-case basis.
Contact the center to request a BUN for your group.
To assign a BUN, Bloomington needs the following information:
1) Name and address of group leader
2) Names of other group members who might order stocks on this BUN
3) Single name and address to be used for all shipments of stocks
to this BUN if different from that of the group leader
4) e-mail address to be used for general correspondence from the
stock center
Information about 1996 billing will be sent around later this year;
you do not need to pay now.
Date: Thu, 2 May 1996 15:37:22 +0900
From: fuyama-yoshiakiアットマークc.metro-u.ac.jp (Yoshiaki FUYAMA)
Subject: [Jfly] BUN
FlyBase の stocks の中に BUN.help というドキュメントがあります。
布 山 喜 章 : 東京都立大学理学部生物学教室