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ショウジョウバエの C virus
Date: Fri, 30 Jul 1999 13:45:06 +0900
From: Toshiro Aigaki
Subject: [Jfly] C virus?
c virus について教えて下さい。
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Date: Fri, 30 Jul 1999 17:22:10 +0900
X-Original-To: jflyアットマークnibb.ac.jp
From: Kazushige Hamada
Subject: [Jfly] C virus?
Reply-To: jflyアットマークnibb.ac.jp
Sender: itokeiアットマークnibb.ac.jp
To: jflyアットマークnibb.ac.jp
At 13:45 +0900 7/30/99, Toshiro Aigaki wrote:
> 相垣@都立大です。
> c virus について教えて下さい。
> 感染力はどの程度でしょうか?
> 感染するとハエはどうなるのでしょうか?
野生集団では40%、研究室ストックで47%のDrosophila melanogasterがDrosophila
C virus(DCV)の属するpicornavirusに感染しており、そのうち3分の1はDCVだそう
Charolles株のDCVに感染した場合、bigger reproductive capacityをもつそうです。
Genetics 1995 Aug;140(4):1289-95
Drosophila-host genetic control of susceptibility to Drosophila C virus.
Thomas-Orillard M, Jeune B, Cusset G
Interactions between Drosophila C virus (DCV) and its natural host, Drosophila
melanogaster, were investigated using 15 geographical population samples
infected by intraabdominal inoculation. These strains derived from natural
populations of D. melanogaster differed in susceptibility to the DCVc. One
strain was "partially tolerant". Isofemale lines obtained from one susceptible
and one partially tolerant strain were studied. The partially tolerant
phenotype was dominant, and there was no difference between F1 progeny of
direct and reciprocal crosses. Analysis of F2 progeny showed that neither
sex-linked genes nor maternal effects are involved in susceptibility to DCVc.
The partially tolerant strain phenotype was dominant and segregated with
chromosome III. Two nonexclusive hypotheses are proposed to explain chromosome
III gene action.
J Invertebr Pathol 1995 May;65(3):243-7
Drosophila C virus: experimental study of infectious yields and underlying
pathology in Drosophila melanogaster laboratory populations.
Gomariz-Zilber E, Poras M, Thomas-Orillard M
The underlying pathology of a nonhereditary virus, the Drosophila C virus,
was studied. This study was related to the contamination routes (ingestion or
contact) and developmental timing. When oral contamination occurred at the
first larval instar: (1) the flies were contaminated, (2) the flies which had
developed the most rapidly were the most infected, (3) in newly emerged
females, the level of virus was higher than in newly emerged males, (4) when
infected flies were reared on virus-free medium only males lost their virus.
Moreover, oral contamination of adults was very efficient, but the highest
virus yield was obtained when both larvae and imagos grew on virus-
contaminated medium. About 30 to 50% of the flies died on the sixth day.
They were as DCVC invaded as DCVC-injected flies. It seemed that when the
virus yield was higher than a given threshold, all flies died, whatever had
been the contamination routes. When contaminated adult females and virus-free
males were reared together on a virus-free medium, females could infect males.
In contrast, contaminated males were not able to infect virus-free females.
Thus, only females were able to contaminate a rearing medium or other flies.
濱田和成 (hamadaアットマークipc.kit.ac.jp)